Telephonic Case Management
The efficiency of providing services by phone translates into appropriate, medically sound care for the client, as well as a cost savings for all involved. Our TCM case managers utilize evidence based guidelines to evaluate treatment and confirm client safety.
- National TCM Program customized to your needs.
- Our telephonic case managers coordinate medical care, work with providers to establish a concrete treatment plan, suggest modified duty to promote early returns to the workplace or to keep them working during treatment.
- AMC will customize our TCM program according to specific requests.
- Our telephonic case managers are committed to adherence to best practices.
- Our telephonic case managers provide clear communication, have a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion, and multiculturalism as well as adherence to the highest ethical and professional standards.
- AMC’s telephonic case managers are licensed and credentialed and experienced registered nurses.
Bilingual TCM
Our bilingual TCM services enhance the accuracy of communication among all participants as well as provide for a smooth and expedited transition back into the work force for the injured worker.